The Giant Claw (1957) - I love this film.
Post date: Nov 06, 2011 1:44:59 PM
Seen from space, the nations really are different colors.
The French Canadians are deathly afraid of Mexican food.
Battleships are quite large and often the target of hyperbole.
When is a pattern not a pattern? When it is a spiral.
The Pentagon is located across the street from the Capitol building.
Osmosis: os·mo·sis (oz-mo'sis, os-) n., 1. When a bird eats something.
Residents of Montana must be crack shots. It's the law.
Scientific instruments explode when they do not work.
IMDB has the inside track:
YouTube gets you most of the entire film but the French Canadian version, "La Garra Gigante", must be particularily awesome.